Please contact us at if you cannot find information you are looking for...
Dedicated section with information for adult social care providers [updated regularly]
Record retention guidance [updated July 2023]
Safeguarding Adults Board information for professionals
Buckinghamshire providers portal
Buckinghamshire Council Open Tenders
NICE Adult Social Care resources [updated April 2022]
NICE Social Care Quick Guides [updated April 2022]
Weekly national COVID-19 report, monitoring COVID-19 activity [updated daily]
HSE: COVID updates and guidance [last reviewed November 2022]
Provider resources including template letters on how to respond to complaints
Norfolk Care Association
Essential Digital Skills | Digital foundation skills
From choosing a device to getting connected, there’s lots to learn. In this module we’ll take you through some of the basics to help you get started.
Essential Digital Skills | Communicating
Learn how to set up email and other messaging apps, understand how to create shareable documents and get to grips with video calling to help stay connected with other safely and securely.
Essential Digital Skills | Communicating for work
Communicating effectively at work is a vital skill, through email, on video calls or in social media posts. Learn more about the digital platforms that help keep you in touch with others at work.
Digital office skills | Microsoft 365
Be more productive at work by making the most of your Microsoft applications. Learn how to make better presentations, create effective documents and organise your inbox.
Buckinghamshire Healthcare Trust
Buckinghamshire Care Providers Association
Registered In England Company no. 06297440