There are many organisations in Buckinghamshire who are ready to help you with advice and support on returning to work, or just looking to develop your CV...learn more
Modern Slavery is a term that covers a range of abuse, where an individual is taken advantage of for someone else’s personal, commercial, or criminal gain. Unfortunately, there have been cases of people who have come to work in the care industry in the UK who are experiencing Modern Slavery.
If you think you are a victim of Modern Slavery, or believe others are in danger, please contact Unseen UK in confidence.
Speak to someone. You are not alone. We will help and support you.
Start your search through the Skill Up Bucks programme. Email them at Skill Up Bucks is delivered by a partnership of local organisations including the Buckinghamshire Skill Hub.
Buckinghamshire Care Providers Association
Registered In England Company no. 06297440